The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award
Adventurous Journey
The Boyle provides opportunities to complete the Adventurous Journey section of your Award.
You will need a sense of adventure and discovery as you go on a team journey, expedition or exploration in our big Kiwi backyard.
You will have the opportunity to learn more about the wider environment, as well as learn teamwork skills, make real decisions and accept real consequences, and gain self-confidence. You'll probably end up outside your comfort zone at times, but you'll be kept safe with training and supervision.
The result will be experiences you'll remember forever— you won't regret a minute of it
We run all levels of Journey - BRONZE, SILVER & GOLD
First you will need to do your Journey Training at the level you are working towards.
We offer places for Practice and Qualifying Journeys at the same time, but participants must be at the same level.
Practice and Qualifying Journeys will be run when we have sufficient numbers enrolled (min 4). It is best if you can find your own group ready to do the level of award you are interested in, then we can schedule dates straight away. If not, you can go onto our waiting list.
Contact us if you are interested!
Or check here for dates we have booked in

Gold Residential


Adventure Based Learning

Rock Climbing
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award Gold residential project requires you to engage with others who are not your usual companions and undertake a shared project away from home over a period of at least five days.
There can be a maximum of one other person you know on the course.
A Boyle Potential Leaders or ABL (Adventure Based Learning) course is a great way to complete this whilst also learning new skills and having heaps of fun. You could also take part in a Gateway course to fulfill the criteria. These courses will also give you the opportunity to achieve credits.
All you need to do is enrol on a course, bring your record book and meet the criteria during camp.
For more information see our Boyle Courses or Contact Us

The environments we travel through are fragile. It is our responsibility as visitors to minimise the impact of our journey. We practice and apply Leave No Trace principles.
By its very nature adventure involves an element of the unexpected. To get the most from this journey that you are mentally flexible, positive, and eager to take on challenges that arise. If you are uncertain about your suitablilty for this trip please give us a call.